Be Inspired - Sonya McKinlay | Association of Anaesthetists

Be Inspired - Sonya McKinlay

Be Inspired - Sonya McKinlay

Describe your role

Consultant anaesthetist, RCoA Lead for Perioperative Medicine Glasgow Royal Infirmary, elected member of the RCoA Scottish Board.

How did you get there?

I entered Anaesthetic training in 1996 directly after house jobs and realised very quickly I had found the right specialty for me. I trained in the West of Scotland with a year at Duke University, USA and became a Consultant in 2005.



What is your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement has been implementing a national patient pathway for the management of pre-operative anaemia which has been supported and funded directly by the Scottish Government.

What inspires you?

I have been lucky enough to work with many inspiring role models and to have been supported to implement change by the surgeons and anaesthetists with whom I work. I am frequently inspired by the commitment and enthusiasm of nursing, medical and AHP colleagues to provide the best care they can.

What advice would you give (or resources you’d highlight) to those who wish to follow your path?

Be true to yourself. Treat others as you would like to be treated and surround yourself with people you trust. And go easy on yourself.

Twitter handle

@GPeriop; @sonyamckinlay

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